Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is an astrological event that happens thrice yearly. Whether you believe in astrology or not, you might want to pay attention to how things are going the next couple of weeks of your life. Mercury retrogrde lasts around 3 weeks each time, and is characterized by glitchy, stuck, problematic insidiousness that seems to hang up our lives. Examples are car trouble, scheduling glitches, an egg splattering on the floor, printer refusing to print, calls not being returned, etc. This month it began on Sept. 7, and will end on Sept. 29. If you have any entertaining mercury retrograde stories, let's hear it. Oh, in case you're interested, it is supposed to be a bad time to sign contracts. Somehow, just knowing about it allows me to brace myself when it comes. I can then sit back and watch the show with a degree of humor. Last week my car made a low-level jackhammer noise. It turned out to be the motor for an electric mesh shade for my rear window, that I didn't even know I had. I could have been using the shade all this time. Now that I know I have the shade, it's too costly to replace the motor, but in the big picture, I can deal! It's just Mercury retrogrde.

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