Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Making New Years Resolutions

For 25 years, I have made 3 small lists on Dec. 31st in a journal. They are: What I want to do, what I want to be, and what I want to have in the coming year. I set goals that are a bit of a stretch, but doable. That way I have a good chance of achieving them, and my succeesses build upon one another. I haven't always accomplished everything on the list, but I do accomplish most things. Practicing yoga was on my list for 8 years until I finally developed a practice. Having it on the list helped. Someone today told me he is only having one resolution: to get in great physical shape. However you choose to set goals, be it several goals or just one or two, having the pure intention of accomplishment is, in my belief, a good predictor of if it will happen. May you, my reader, set just the right goals for yourself, and accomplish them with ease and grace! Happy New Year World!

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