Saturday, August 7, 2010

"Counter Productive" Dieting Behavior

My husband and I recently joined Weight Watchers. He because he is overweight and pre-diabetic—and me: I'm a lifetime member. As long as I don't gain even one ounce the meetings are free because I am within "normal" top of the range weight for my height. So we have been trying to adapt our lives around eating healthy food, and not too much of it. He mentioned today that at night he can't help but eat some cheese when he sees it on the kitchen counter, where I've left it, knowing I will return for some more a few times. So I came up with the catch phrase "counter productive." If you are dieting or living with a dieter, remember that food left out in plain sight, and especially unwrapped is like a neon buffet sign. And back to the Weight Watchers model, you need to count your points, and we all know when you are scarfing cheese that's on the counter because someone else left it there, you don't count those points. So the phrase covers it all. Leave it on the counter and the count will tip the scale up. Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted.

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